Seeing Auras & Energies

Learning to See Auras & Energies

Our first exercise is intended to help improve your visual reaction speed, thereby improving your ability to see auras and energies. The improved reaction time will also have many general benefits.

Exercise 1 - Seeing Auras & Energies

Our second exercise is intended to help improve your visual accuracy and thus improve your ability to see auras and energies. As with the other exercises, this will also improve your visual perception in general.

Exercise 2 - Seeing Auras & Energies

Our third exercise is intended to help improve your visual perception of color and secondary color. This is the exercise in particular that will dramtically improve your ability to see auras and energies. Keep in mind that the previous exercises are just as important as this one.

Exercise 3 - Seeing Auras & Energies

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